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Level 1 Excipient GMPs for Manufacturing Workers – Production & Maintenance

Level 1 course specifically intended for manufacturing plant workers.

IPEC-Americas has developed its eLearning curriculum for the subjects it knows best: excipient good manufacturing practices (GMPs). One of IPEC-Americas objectives for the course is to bring its exceptional excipient GMP knowledge and practical application to various types and levels of employees within excipient manufacturing and distribution companies as well as pharmaceutical companies as applicable to the topic.

These courses are specifically intended for manufacturing plant workers and cover the following topics:
> Introduction to Excipient GMP - the whats and whys of GMP
> Excipient Functionality - the various roles excipients may play
> Documents and Records
> Hygienic Practices
> Work Environment
> Application of GMP specifically for production/plant maintenance, laboratory, and warehouse/bulk handling workers including their role in protecting data integrity
> This short course can be accessed on any internet-capable computer or mobile device. Once registered, employees can access their course 24 hours a day during the licensed access period. No more need to schedule 2nd and 3rd shift training sessions or pay your workers overtime to attend first-shift classes.

A 3-question learning evaluation follows each section to check understanding of concepts presented in that section. Each course takes about 1½ to 2 hours to complete and participants can view it any time, around the clock, during the licensed access period (14 days after registration). When participants have successfully completed all six learning evaluations and a course feedback survey, they receive a certificate of completion.